
From The May Day Mystery
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5/1/08 Ad
MAY DAY 2008
Publication Date May 1, 2008
Ad Source MM Site
Smiley Type Smiley with 7 hairs, Irregular Smiley

Ad Transcript

MAY DAY, 2008

SR/CL: Leitmotiv: ἐἀν μἠ ἔλπηαι, ἀνἑλπιστον οὐχ

ἐξευρἠσει, ἀυεξερεὐνητον ἐὀν χαἰ ἄπορον.--Heraclitus

The 478th Anniversary of the Confessio Augustana will be celebrated in THE FEDERAL ROOM of the Hotel California, 1200 Hours, 6/25/08—by cybernetically sealed invitation only. Mistah Kurtz will present our new line of Jams & Jellies as per [12 CFR] §204.126(b), sub specie Regulation D. The Loyal Order of Un-reconstructed Freaks in conjunction with Coimbra Section will supply Licor Regional (Trás-os-Montes); Produtor: Coop. de Vitic. e Olivicul. de Freixo de Numão, CRL. ★ORATE PRO NOBIS.★


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08-may1 2.jpg


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