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10/25/17 Ad
500th Anniversary of the Reformation
Publication Date October 25, 2017
Ad Source ADW Online, Page 14
Smiley Type Smiley with 9 hairs

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SR/CL: Leitmotiv: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." —Romans 5:1

500th Anniversary of the Reformation

Laus Deo! The Pelagian devils have failed to defeat "the endless line of splendor." We shall overcome them "by rust and corrosion, by mold and dry rot, by silence and avoidance, by seepage and spillage, by defect and by dung, by flab and flatulence, by ebb and by shoal, by guttering candle and busheled lamp, by halves and by quarters, by loss and forfeit, by stutter and by stammer, by rent sails and uncaulked hulls, by luke-warm and half-bright, by stench and stagnation, by dead roaches and live flies, by slow waste and annual decline, by palsy and cataract, by drooling coma and abandoned death—BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY,"

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Leitmotiv: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." —Romans 5:1

This is indeed Romans 5:1 from the King James Bible. All Versions

From Ellicott's Commentary:

Faith brings justification; justification brings peace--peace with God, through the mediation of Jesus..."Peace" is the special legacy bequeathed by Jesus to His disciples (John 14:27; John 16:33); it is also the word used, with deep significance, after miracles of healing, attended with forgiveness.

It is worth noting the phrasing here—Peace with God is different than Peace from God. From Bible.org:

The peace “of God” is that inner tranquillity which God gives to the Christian, even when there is external turmoil. Paul himself evidences this peace as he writes Philippians. But “peace with God” is different. It is that peace which marks the end of our hostility toward God and of His hostility toward us...“Peace with God,” from the human point of view, is similar to propitiation, from the divine point of view. Our sin brings about divine indignation, divine wrath. The Lord Jesus Christ endured the wrath of God toward the sinner, thus satisfying and appeasing God’s wrath toward those who are in Christ by faith (see Romans 3:25). Since God’s animosity toward the believer has been appeased, God now deals graciously with those who have been justified.

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