MAY DAY 2008 | |
Publication Date | May 1, 2008 |
Ad Source | MM Site |
Smiley Type | Smiley with 7 hairs, Irregular Smiley |
Ad Transcript
MAY DAY, 2008
SR/CL: Leitmotiv: ἐἀν μἠ ἔλπηαι, ἀνἑλπιστον οὐχ
ἐξευρἠσει, ἀυεξερεὐνητον ἐὀν χαἰ ἄπορον.--Heraclitus
The 478th Anniversary of the Confessio Augustana will be celebrated in THE FEDERAL ROOM of the Hotel California, 1200 Hours, 6/25/08—by cybernetically sealed invitation only. Mistah Kurtz will present our new line of Jams & Jellies as per [12 CFR] §204.126(b), sub specie Regulation D. The Loyal Order of Un-reconstructed Freaks in conjunction with Coimbra Section will supply Licor Regional (Trás-os-Montes); Produtor: Coop. de Vitic. e Olivicul. de Freixo de Numão, CRL. ★ORATE PRO NOBIS.★
Ad Artwork
The ad features four Biblical woodcuts or engravings:
- Top Left:
- Top Right:
- Bottom Left: Depicts the opening of the fifth seal from the Book of Revelations. This image was also used in the 12/7/16 ad.
- Bottom Right:
Atop the biblical scenes, four hyperbolic shapes forming a cross contain names and fragments of mathematical equations:
- Bottom: CALVIN
In the center of the ad is a circular photograph of a mushroom cloud, most likely taken during the Castle Romeo nuclear test at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands in 1954. This was the first test of the TX-17 thermonuclear weapon. Wikipedia
Surrounding the mushroom cloud are 12 panels of stained glass from the north rose window of Chartres Cathedral in France. The center pane is normally where Christ would be depicted.
Ad Image
ἐἀν μἠ ἔλπηαι, ἀνἑλπιστον οὐχ ἐξευρἠσει, ἀυεξερεὐνητον ἐὀν χαἰ ἄπορον.--Heraclitus
Translation from Greek: "If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail."